Intervista a Ben Shelton: la stella del tennis americana che vuole essere diversa

““Volevo essere un po’ diverso da chiunque altro”, ha detto recentemente Ben Shelton a Madrid. In realtà stava parlando della sua decisione dell’anno scorso di firmare un importante accordo con il piccolo ma in crescita produttore svizzero di scarpe e abbigliamento On, piuttosto che perseguire un certo colosso americano con un famoso swoosh. (Ne parleremo…

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Trump has long been known as a micromanager. Prosecutors are using it against him.

At Donald J. Trump’s criminal trial in Manhattan, his lawyers insisted that he had “nothing to do” with any of the criminal charges against him. But testimony from prosecution witnesses in recent weeks has called that argument into question, underscoring that Trump can be obsessive about two very important aspects of his job: everything that…

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